With the Spring National Committee Meeting rapidly approaching, it's a good time to look back at the first few meetings that the Vermont Young Republicans attended.
YRNF Indy: Summer 2021
Indianapolis was our first National Committee Meeting, and where we were officially chartered. We attended workshops and lectures that gave us insight on numerous conservative issues and groups from across the country.
We fostered new relationships with young republicans from all over the country and through their advice and tutelage, we were able to quickly grow as an organization and soon we charted our first county club.
YRNF Little Rock: Fall 2021
This meeting in Little Rock Arkansas, was our second National Committee meeting.
Great strides for our future were made at this meeting. We were given instruction in how to better organize events and community service projects.
Although this meeting weekend was short, we also learned a lot about the fun side of activism. Grassroot efforts are important, but without adequate downtime, volunteers can quickly burn out.
Our Hopes for YRNF Scottsdale
With many excellent relationships with young republicans all over the country, we're hoping to continue getting good advice and assistance to bring home to Vermont.
Advice on:
fundraising - holding creative events - registering voters.
And especially recruiting more young republicans.